monoKraK Podcast 4 (Floating Mind, style : deep minimal techno) —
Podcast 4 (Floating Mind, style : deep minimal techno), direct file here
monoKraK netlabel – free deep musiK and aKtivism –
Podcast 4 (Floating Mind, style : deep minimal techno), direct file here
[monoKraK 142] Falk Golz “Freedom Is The Passion”, (direct lossless zip here), 3 free WAV tracks (deep minimal acid techno house)
[monoKraK 141] Space Options “Mosaic Of Sounds”, (direct lossless zip here), 2 free WAV tracks (deep minimal techno)
[monoKraK 140] Alex Vandoff VS Floating Mind “In Depth”, (direct lossless zip here) 2 free WAV tracks (deep minimal techno)